Archiv | 13:55

Greg Rucka über Comics, Frauen und Sexismus

28 Mai

Greg Rucka hat den Ruf, starke Frauen zu schreiben (man denke nur an seine Heldinnen aus Batwomwn, Whiteout, Queen and Country und viele, viele mehr). In letzter Zeit konnte man im Internet einen Essay von ihm über das Schrieben von weiblichen Charakteren finden – und ein Interview, in dem er Hollywood (und die Comic Industrie) ziemlich scharf kritisiert. Hier ein paar Auszüge:

Gender isn’t simply a biological trait; it’s a societal one. The female experience is different from that of the male, and if, as a male writer, you cannot accept that basic premise, then you will never, ever, be able to write women well. A man walking alone through Midtown Manhattan at three in the morning may have concerns for his safety, but I promise you, it’s a very different experience for a woman taking the same walk, and it’s different again for a man wearing a dress. Think about it. That’s a societal factor, and it’s a gendered one, and this is not and can not be subject to debate. If you’re looking to argue that sexism is a thing of the past, that the world is gender-blind, you’re not only wrong, you’re lying to yourself. Weiterlesen